I have been meaning to post this for over a month now. This past July I completed a quarter of a century of life. I am now 25 years old. Bam. I honor of my birthday, (over a month after the fact) I thought it would be a good idea to post 25 lessons I have learned in my lifetime. Now, I am not saying that I am perfect at practicing these facts I have learned. I have just found them to be true. And they are listed in no particular order. Here we go...
1) Do not take yourself too serious
2) It is better to give than to receive
3) Show more gratitude
4) Count you blessings everyday
5) Take the time & effort to show others that you care about & love them. You never may know when it will be your last chance.
6) Laughter is GREAT medicine
7) Do not worry about having many friends, put the effort into quality friends
8) It is good to break a sweat everyday
9) Find a hobby that you love, & DO IT
10) Try to take your experiences, especially the hardest one, and grow & learn from them
11) DO NOT let bitterness into your life!
12) When having a conversation, listen. Don't just wait to talk. (Thanks, Pulp Fiction)
13) Sometimes is best to just shut up, Hannah!
14) Do not let your expectations get in the way of enjoying the moment, or what actually happens
15) You can't judge a book by it's cover
16) Worrying is pretty much useless, & causes more trouble than it is worth
17) Always be polite
18) There is no reason not to show kindness
19) Make whatever life gives you an experience
20) Try to encourage others as often as possible
21) But, you cannot please everyone (some people are impossible to please)
22) Start my day in prayer & scripture
23) Be patient with others because you do not know what they are going through
24) Making others happy will lead to your own happiness
25) Forgiveness is more for the one who was wronged more than it is for the one who committed the wrong
God Bless!
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